Let’s Roll 2.3 and 1.3 📍

Enhancing Local Connections in the Roller Skating Community

In response to fervent requests from our vibrant roller skating community, we are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking feature in Let’s Roll 2.3 for iPhone and 1.3 for Android— the “Locals” feed. This innovative addition aims to simplify the process of connecting with fellow skaters in your area, fostering a sense of community and enhancing the overall roller skating experience.

Detailed Feature Overview:

The “Locals” feed is designed to seamlessly integrate with your local roller skating scene, providing a dynamic platform for users to discover and connect with nearby skaters. To offer a glimpse into this exciting feature, we have even prepared a video showcasing the local skating experience in Los Angeles, giving users a preview of what they can expect when they dive into the “Locals” feed.

See how the local experience looks like in Los Angeles in this video

Real-Time Notifications:

Gone are the days of manually checking for new skaters in your area. Let’s Roll will now proactively notify you whenever new skaters emerge in your local vicinity. This enhancement ensures that you stay effortlessly connected with the ever-growing roller skating community without the need for constant manual checks. Seamlessly integrated into the app, these notifications add an extra layer of convenience, keeping you informed and engaged with your local skate scene.

Revamped “Discover – People” Page:

Understanding the importance of easily identifying active skaters in your vicinity, we have overhauled the “Discover – People” page. This comprehensive update makes it simpler than ever to pinpoint fellow skaters who share your passion for gliding through the streets. The enhanced page offers an array of filters and sorting options, allowing you to tailor your search based on skating styles, skill levels, and more. Connect with like-minded individuals and build meaningful connections within your local roller skating community.

Encouraging User Engagement:

We believe in creating an app that not only facilitates connections but also encourages active participation within the roller skating community. With Let’s Roll 2.3 and 1.3, we invite you to explore the enhanced features, discover new skaters, and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of your local skate scene. The app has become more than just a tool; it’s a hub for forging friendships, sharing experiences, and celebrating the joy of roller skating.


Don’t miss out on the exciting developments in Let’s Roll! Update your app now to version 2.3 for iPhone and 1.3 for Android and immerse yourself in the enriched local skate scene experience. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a newcomer, the “Locals” feed, real-time notifications, and revamped “Discover – People” page are here to redefine how you connect with your local roller skating community. Let’s Roll together and roll into a new era of skating camaraderie!

What are you waiting for? Update the Let’s Roll App and check out your local skate scene!

Keep Rolling ❤🛼🌈

– The Let’s Roll Team